
Study: MolecuLight Real-time Fluorescence Improves Healing of Pressure Wounds

MolecuLight real-time fluorescence heals more pressure injuries with fewer complications than the standard approach to treating these injuries, according to a study of 167 Medicare beneficiaries across 55 US-based long-term care and skilled nursing facilities.

MolecuLight  shines a violet excitation light (405nm) on a wound which causes wound components to fluoresce in different colors  so clinicians can quickly, safely and easily visualize bacteria and measure wounds at the point of care.

When comparing the outcomes of patients who were treated per standard of care approach alone with those in which MolecuLight real-time fluorescence was integrated into that care, patients in the MolecuLight-imaged group saw 71% more wounds healed by 12 weeks, healed 28% faster, and were 1.8 times more likely to heal their wound by 12 weeks.

The researchers also investigated the incidence of severe infection complications including cellulitis, osteomyelitis, gangrene, sepsis, and wound-related hospitalization and found a 75% decrease in infection complications when patient care was guided with MolecuLight.

“The positive effects that the MolecuLight technology has on all patients, even those who are severely sick and compromised, is outstanding,” says study author Martha R. Kelso, Founder and Chief Executive Officer for Wound Care Plus, LLC, in Blue Springs, MI, in a news release.  {Increasing healing rates, shortening healing times and avoiding complications is  how you make a difference. All patients deserve the best! I hope that as these remarkable outcomes are shared with our wound care colleagues, they too can be part of this much needed disruption to wound care.”

The study appears in Advances in Skin & Wound Care. 

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