
Eli Lilly’s Latest Get Better Campaign Focuses on Achieving Skin Care Equity

The newest version of Eli Lilly’s Get Better Campaign turns the spotlight on skin health and skin care equity.

“Receiving a proper diagnosis or treatment shouldn’t depend on factors like your zip code or your skin color,” the new ad material states. “Seeing yourself represented in the educational materials about your disease should be a given. There is a gap in care for people with skin of color in dermatology, and we’re working to address the inequities—and more—with our work in immunology.”

The new campaign, launched weeks before the Company’s sponsorship of the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris, features a still image of a Black father and his child with the message, “An eczema diagnosis should not depend on your skin color.”

The Company conducted a systematic literature review with dermatologists, patient advocacy groups, and other healthcare professionals to better understand unmet medical needs and gaps in care faced by patients with darker skin tones.

This research identified three key goals:

  1. Invest in research to increase understanding of clinical management from diagnosis to treatment.
  1. Support health care providers with education to increase awareness of the journey people with darker skin tones face and enhance understanding of dermatologic diseases in these patients.
  1. Empower the patient’s voice to increase understanding of common care challenges so patients can make their needs known and actively partner to find impactful solutions.

Photo credit:  Eli Lilly and Company

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