
News Your New Rosacea Patients Can Use: NRS Introduces New Informational Postcard

The National Rosacea Society is introducing an informational postcard about rosacea to help dermatologists and other health professionals educate new rosacea patients.

The postcard, titled “Rosacea: A Common Disease, Uncommonly Treated,” includes information about signs and symptoms, management tips and the CAMP mnemonic device to help patients remember the proper order of steps in their daily care routine.

The new postcard may be downloaded as a PDF free of charge on the NRS website. It may also be obtained by writing the National Rosacea Society, 4619 N. Ravenswood Ave., Chicago IL 60640, or by contacting the Society toll-free at 1-888-NO-BLUSH or via e-mail at

Health professionals may also order bulk quantities for use as handouts to patients with rosacea.

The postcard was made possible with support from Mayne Pharma.